
torsdag den 29. august 2013

Workshop 22.-23. oktober 2013

DAPUG WORKSHOP 22. - 23. oktober 2013 
på Hotel Hesselet

FireDAC, Mobile Development, and Delphi Tips and Tricks with Marco Cantù and Cary Jensen

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Sidste dag for tilmelding var den 9. september.

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delphidk@gmail.com og hør om vi kan skaffe en ekstra plads.

From 2009 through 2012, Delphi experts Marco Cantù and Cary Jensen joined forces to present their annual Delphi Developer Days tours. In November of 2012 Marco joined Embarcadero Technologies to become the Delphi's Product Manager, and Bob Swart (Dr.Bob) has teamed with Cary to fill Marco's role in Delphi Developer Days.

This DAPUG Workshop brings Cary and Marco back together for a command performance where they will discuss some of Delphi's newest technologies, including data access with FireDAC, multitier architectures, and mobile development. They will conclude with their popular Delphi Tips, Tricks, and Techniques presentation followed by "Meet the Delphi Product Manager." This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see the original "Delphi Dream Team" in action again.

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