Building desktop,
server, web and mobile applications.
med David I på Hotel Hesselet
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The Spring 2013 workshop will be with David I but held with a different
concept as opposed to the last many workshops.
The main concept of the workshop will be with building a set of desktop,
server, web and mobile applications using a defined SQL database, that
will be based on this Business Case (requirements) document [this
document] that workshop registrants and interested developers will
contribute to. The workshop and the implementation of the applciations
will utilise many tools from Embarcadero’s toolbox including Delphi,
C++Builder, HTML5 Builder, DataSnap,dbExpress and InterBase. Other
databases may also be specified (David I will try to use a minimum of 2
databases in the workshop - one will be InterBase the other can be
chosen by Workshop registrants. Both databases will have the same data
model and data).
David Intersimone (known to many as David I.) is a passionate and innovative software industry veteran-often referred to as a developer icon-who extols and educates the world on Embarcadero developer and database tools and runs the company’s rampant online community. He shares his visions as an active member of the industry speaking circuit and is tapped as an expert source by the media. He is a long-standing champion of architects, developers and database professionals and works to ensure that their needs are folded into Embarcadero's strategic product plans. Before Embarcadero, David spent more than 20 years with Borland in various evangelism, engineering, and development capacities, including creating the company's developer relations program.
Udgivet 17-12-2012
fredag den 1. marts 2013
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