
søndag den 13. februar 2022

Workshop d. 12.-13. april 2022 på Hotel Hesselet

Andrea Magni
To Boldly Go Where No Developer Has Gone Before
Build RESTful Applications Using the MARS Curiosity Framework
FMXER, a Flutter inspired visual framework for FMX
April 12 and 13 2022
Hotel Hesselet, Christianslundsvej 119, 5800 Nyborg

The workshop is cancelled

In the Dapug April 2022 workshop Andrea Magni is taking us to travel the stars in his MARS Curiosity framework. The MARS Curiosity framework is a great open source framework for building RESTFul applications both Server and Client Side. We will spend time getting to know the framework, with an extensive walk through and some nitty gritty hands on details.
Andrea is also going to take us through a lot of cool coding with other things he has built, strongly inspired by Flutter, Andrea has created FMXER, containing a lot of cool components like TFrameStand and others.
Andrea is the author of "Delphi GUI Programming with FireMonkey"  and apart from being a speaker at a previous Dapug workshop, he is a frequent speaker at other conferences too, like Entwickler Konferenz in Köln/Düsseldorf., where his rooms are always packed. Andrea has been employed in various Italian Software development companies, and is now self employed working as a consultant and speaker.
Andrea is from Italy and has a very strong patriotic feeling about Italy (in a good way). He is an expert on Italian cuisine, Italian wines, Italian Coffees and probably also other Italian things.
For sure he has married a beautiful Italian woman Marta, and they have the most adoring girl Federica, who is now 7. 
When there is a spare moment Andrea can be found running or skiing. In both cases he would bring his camera and take thousands of pictures.
The different timeslots are a rough outline of the various topics he will cover – he might stretch one topic a bit and shift things around as fit.
You find the registration form here.
Please note that you must register on Friday Februray 25, 2022 at latest.
Participation requires that your company is a valid member of DAPUG. This is an annual fee of DKK 800, and covers all registrants for that company. If you are not representing a company you will need to have a personal membership of DAPUG, which is also an annual fee of DKK 800
Registration fee is DKK 6000 per participant. This includes both workshop days, including all meals and accommodation.
Offer: Pay no later than the 6th of April, and you can deduct DKK 500 per participant, bringing the total to DKK 5500.

Workshop Agenda: (See detailed topic list below the time schedule)

Tuesday (Day 1)
08:00 - Arrival and setup
09:30 - Welcome to Andrea
09:45 - MARS: Fundamentals 1
10:45 - Break
11:00 - MARS: Fundamentals 2
12:00 - Lunch
13:00 - MARS: Hands-on 1
14:00 - Break
14:10 - MARS: Hands-on 2
15:00 - Coffee break
15:15 - MARS: Wrap up / Q&A
16:00 - A word from Nohau
18:30 - Drinks before dinner in Tranquebar
19:00 - Dinner
Wednesday (Day 2)
07:00 - Breakfast and CHECK OUT (please check out from your room before 09:00)
09:00 - FMXER: Fundamentals (TFrameStand + TFormStand)
10:00 - Break
10:10 - FMX: IconFontsImageList
11:00 - Coffee break
11:15 - FMXER: Framework and approach
12:00 - Lunch
13:00 - FMXER: Hands-on 1
14:00 - Coffee break
14:15 - FMXER: Hands-on 2
15:00 - Break
15:10 - FMXER: Wrap up / Q&A
16:00 - Wrap up and evaluation

Detailed topic list:

  • MARS-Curiosity REST Library
    • Server side
      • Serialization / Deserialization
        • Built-in capabilities
          • Records, objects, collections ← → JSON
          • Records, objects, collections ← → YAML
        • Customization
      • Authentication and authorization (JWT tokens)
      • Data Access (FireDAC)
      • OpenAPI 3.0 support
      • WebBroker
        • Standalone (Indy)
        • Windows Service (Indy)
        • Apache Module (Apache)
        • ISAPI (IIS)
        • Linux daemon (Indy)
      • DelphiCrossSocket
        • Standalone (IOCP)
        • Windows Service (IOCP)
        • Linux daemon (EPOLL)
        • MacOS (KQUEUE)
    • Client library
      • Mobile / Desktop
      • Sync / Async
      • Code / Components
  • Delphi / Language / FMX topics
    • IconFontsImageList (https://github.com/EtheaDev/IconFontsImageList)
    • TFrameStand
    • TFormStand
    • Available elements/components
    • Declarative framework (Flutter / Swift UI)