
fredag den 20. marts 2009

Tilmelding til ERFA og generalforsamling er nu lukket

Så er der lukket for tilmelding til ERFA d. 25/3.
(Tilmeldingen der er aktiv nu er til workshoppen).

DELPHI GREATEST HITS WorkShop 28. - 29. april

Så er der åbnet for tilmelding til WorkShoppen

This DAPUG Workshop is like a greatest hits record. It brings back two of the most popular topics covered by Cary Jensen in DAPUG Workshops over the past 12 years, and adds one new topic, just to keep things fresh.

The workshop begins with ClientDataSets, and Cary is one of the world’s leading experts on this topic. This section includes a detailed look at how ClientDataSets work, and demonstrates many powerful features that this component enables you to add to your applications.

The second “hit” is multithreaded programming with Delphi. Creating, managing, and synchronizing threads are discussion in this section. In addition, new Delphi language features that further support and improve multithreaded applications are discussed.


The new topic is an in-depth look at Delphi Prism, the new Delphi-language add-on for Visual Studio. In this section, we examine the types of applications that you can create with Delphi Prism, and explore the many exciting new language features that Delphi Prism introduces. Included in this section is a discussion of language integrated queries (LINQ) and Windows Presentation Foundation development.

tirsdag den 3. marts 2009

Åbent for tilmelding til ERFAmøde

Der er nu åbnet for tilmelding til ERFAmødet her.