
torsdag den 29. februar 2024

Workshop with Dr. Cary Jensen at Hotel Hesselet, April 30 - May 1, 2024

   Dr. Cary Jensen:

Cary Jensen's Greatest Hits

April 30 and May 1, 2024
Hotel Hesselet, Christianslundsvej 119, 5800 Nyborg

Cary Jensen gave his first DAPUG Workshop in 1997, and has since been a featured DAPUG Workshop speaker many times since then (maybe 15 times? It’s too many to count). He has demonstrated his deep knowledge of Delphi, and has made many friends in the DAPUG community.
This spring’s Workshop (April 30 – May 1) will likely be Cary’s last DAPUG Workshop, and he hopes to go out with a Bang. Titled “Cary Jensen’s Greatest Hits,” this workshop will include some favorite material from numerous presentations, including material that he created for his long-running Delphi Developer Days tours, DAPUG Workshops, the German Entwickler Konference, the Dutch Software Developer’s Group (SDN) conferences, magazine and internet articles, and more.
This workshop will focus on many aspects of Windows development with Delphi, including database development, Windows services, some Open Tools API (OTI) stuff, and his always popular Tips and Tricks.
If you are a first-timer to one of Cary’s events, this is one you won’t want to miss. If you are long-time DAPUG member, and have attended his workshops in the past, this will be the perfect bookend to a legacy of informative talks by one of Delphi’s leading advocates.
We hope to see you there.
About Cary Jensen
Cary is Chief Technology Officer at Jensen Data Systems, Inc., and has more than 35 years of experience as a developer, consultant, trainer, and mentor. He is the author of more than 30 books on software, including his latest book Delphi in Depth: FireDAC. His is also an Embarcadero MVP and a Spirit of Delphi recipient.
In 2020, Cary was appointed as an Adjunct Professor in the Human/Computer Interaction Group in the Department of Psychological Sciences at Rice University, one of America’s Leading Research Institutions.

You find the registration form here.
Please note that you must register on Sunday March 17, 2024 at latest.
If you want to participate in the workshop, but did not register in time, please send an email including contact info to dapug@veco.dk. There is a good chance that we can find a solution.

Workshop participation requires that your company is a paying member of DAPUG. The annual membership fee of DKK 800 covers all registrants for that company. If you are not representing a company you will need to have a personal membership of DAPUG, which is also an annual fee of DKK 800
Workshop registration fee is DKK 6000 per participant. This includes both workshop days, including all meals and accommodation.
Offer: Pay no later than the 23th of April, and you can deduct DKK 500 per participant, bringing the total to DKK 5500.

Workshop Agenda

Tuesday (Day 1)
08:00 - Arrival and setup
09:30 - Welcome to Cary Jensen
09:45 - Introduction to Database Development with FireDAC

If you haven’t used FireDAC yet, this session will get you started. If you are currently using it, this session will be a nice review of some of the basics. Topics include types of FireDAC database connections, configuring FireDAC components, and basic FireDAC operations.
10:45 - Break
11:00 - Selected Advanced FireDAC Development Topics

Taking things forward, this session will include caching updates, batch move operations, using FireDAC built-in functions, and Local SQL.
12:00 - Lunch
13:00 - Advanced Language Features
Delphi’s advanced language features can take your development to a new level. Topics covered include generics, attributes, and Delphi’s enhanced RTTI (run-time type information).
14:00 - Break
14:10 - Creating a Manageable Architecture
There are steps you can take that can help you better manage and update your applications quickly and easily. This session discusses these steps, which include creating base form classes, using interfaces, and customizing Delphi’s components.
15:00 - Coffee break
15:15 - Communicating Effectively in Speech and Writing

After 35 years of writing and presenting technical material, Cary shares his perspectives and lessons learned in the art of spoken and written communication. A version of this presentation was recently selected and given as a TEDx talk at Rice University in Houston, Texas, USA.
16:00 - A word from Nohau
18:30 - Drinks before dinner in Tranquebar
19:00 - Dinner
Wednesday (Day 2)
07:00 - Breakfast and CHECK OUT (please check out from your room before 09:00)
09:00 - Enhancing the Delphi IDE

The Delphi IDE was built with Delphi, and Delphi permits you to add to the IDE with your own custom code. This session discusses some of your options, and examines several sample projects that demonstrate how to do this.
10:00 - Break
10:10 - Fundamentals of Multi-Threaded Programming
This session looks at why you might want to add additional threads of execution to your applications, and shows you how to get started.
11:00 - Coffee break
11:15 - Synchronizing Threads

There are a lot of options for synchronizing two or more threads. This section will provide a brief overview of the major options, and will take a more in-depth look at some of them. 
12:00 - Lunch
13:00 - Creating Windows Services
Windows services permit you to write code that requires no user interface, and which can launch automatically when a computer or server starts. Since many Windows services employ threads, this session is a perfect follow-up to the previous two sessions.
14:00 - Coffee break
14:15 - Tips, Tricks, and Techniques, Part 1

Just like is says, here is a bag full of fun and interesting things you can program in Delphi.
15:00 - Break
15:10 - Tips, Tricks, and Techniques, Part 2

Haven’t had enough? Ok, here’s some more tips, tricks, and techniques. 
16:00 - Wrap up and evaluation

DAPUG erfamøde fredag d. 15. marts kl. 10 - 16 med efterfølgende generalforsamling

DAPUG holder erfamøde fredag d. 15. marts 2024 kl. 10 - 16 med efterfølgende generalforsamling hos Risø, Frederiksborgvej 399, 4000 Roskilde.

Det vigtigste formål med erfa-møderne er at mødes fysisk og udveksle erfaringer og gode ideer. Derfor kræver deltagelse i mødet fysisk fremmøde. Alle er velkomne til deltage i erfamødet, uanset om man er medlem af DAPUG eller ej..Deltagelse er gratis for medlemmer af DAPUG. Ikke-medlemmer opkræves deltagergebyr på kr. 150,-.

Du er medlem af DAPUG, hvis blot din virksomhed har tegnet medlemsskab. Hvis I deltager flere personer fra samme firma, opkræves deltagergebyr for deltager nr. 2, 3, 4 osv.
Sidste tilmeldingsfrist er tirsdag d. 12. marts kl. 16, men tilmeld dig gerne allerede fredag d. 8. marts aht. planlægningen.
Tilmelding foretages via dette link.
Hvis du er tilmeldt og bliver forhindret, kan du indtil 12. marts sende en ny tilmelding, hvor du i kommentarfeltet skriver, at du er blevet forhindret. Hvis du gemmer den kvittering, du modtager på mail efter tilmelding, kan du også vha. linket i mailen ændre din tilmelding. Ved behov for framelding efter 12. marts bedes du ringe til Thomas Vedel på 40 19 11 89.
Du modtager efter tilmelding en kvittering på mail, så du kan se du er registreret.
Alle tilmeldte deltagere modtager onsdag d. 13. marts info om DTU Risø Campus, transport m.v.

Det er en god idé at medbringe en bærbar PC til mødet, så du kan afprøve det vi snakker om undervejs. Der vil være mulighed for trådløs internet-adgang, men husk forlængerkabel til strøm og kablet netværk, hvis du er afhængig heraf. 


09:45 - 10:00 Ankomst og evt. opsætning af medbragt PC.

10:00 - 10:45 Brug af Flexcel til rapportering (Jens Fudge)
Demonstration af hvordan man generelt kan oprette/rette en xls eller xlsx fil, hvordan man tilgår de enkelte celler m.m. Og demonstration af hvordan man kan benytte Flexcel som rapport generator.

10:45 - 12:00 Record/Class Helpers: Devil's work or a Godsend? (Keld R. Hansen)
Jeg er storforbruger af hjemmelavede HELPERs og deler gerne ud af mine erfaringer, men har set mange på nettet sige, at de synes det er en dårlig idé. En diskussion omkring fordele og ulemper ved disse vil være velkommen - og måske kan jeg overbevise folk om fortræffelighederne ved HELPERs 😉

12:00 - 13:00 Frokost

13:00 - 13:30 Generel erfa (fælles) / værktøjer i IDE'en (Thomas Vedel)
Kom med alt hvad du har af mere eller mindre håndfaste ideer og spørgsmål (især om anvendelse af Delphi) og få dem diskuteret med ligesindede.

13:30 - 14:30 With memory safety do... (Glenn Dufke)
Spørgsmålet omkring memory safety er i den senere tid blusset kraftigt op, specielt med de seneste anbefalinger fremsat af det hvide hus i USA.
Hvor står Delphi henne? Hvorfor er det på listen over anbefalede memory safe sprog fra NSA? Og hvordan kan vi som Delphi-udviklere styrke vores software, således vi er med helt i front på sikkerhed og best practice.

14:30 - 14:45 Kaffepause

14:45 - 15:15 Demonstration af udvikling med TMS WebCore (Lasse Lægteskov)
Demonstration af et produkt vi er ved at udvikle ved brug af TMS WebCore og diskussion af fordele og ulemper.

15:15 - 16:00 Tips og tricks (Alle)
Gennemgang af enkelte nyheder i seneste Delphi-versioner og generelle tips og tricks til anvendelse af Delphi.

16:00 - 16:05 Kaffepause

16:05 - 16:30 Generalforsamling
Ordinær generalforsamling ifølge vedtægterne.

16:30 Tak for i dag